Shipping FAQ
Where can you ship?
Many places!
In the United States, we can currently ship individual purchases and club subscriptions to California, Oregon, Washington state, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Washington D.C., and Florida.
In the European Union, individual purchases and club subscriptions can be fulfilled through Roberto Cipresso s.r.l. Pricing, availability, and shipping costs and schedules may be different than indicated on this website. Please contact us to arrange a purchase or delivery in the European Union.
We do not currently arrange shipments outside the United States or the European Union. Please contact us if you wish to discuss your specific case.
Where in the United States can I receive Roberto's California Pinot Noirs?
Our wines produced in California can be shipped to California, Oregon, Washington state, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Washington D.C., and Florida.
Where in the United States can I receive Roberto's French Pinot Noirs?
Our wines produced in France can only be shipped to California. We are diligently working to secure fulfillment options in other states.
Where in the United States can I receive the Italian wines?
Our wines produced in Italy can only be shipped to California. We are diligently working to secure fulfillment options in other states.